ISO/PAS 20282-3-2007 日用品的易操作性.第3部分:消费品的试验方法

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标准号:ISO/PAS 20282-3-2007
英文名称:Ease of operation of everyday products - Part 3: Test method for consumer products
被替代标准:ISO/TS 20282-2-2013
采用标准:BS DD ISO/PAS 20282-3-2008,IDT;XP X35-131-3-2008,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 159
标准简介:This part of ISO 20282 specifies a test method for measuring the ease of operation of consumer products.
The purpose of the test is to provide a basis for predicting the ease of operation of a consumer product,
including measures of its effectiveness and efficiency of operation, and the satisfaction of the intended user
population in the intended context of its use.
The intended users of this part of ISO 20282 are people with human factors expertise in the design and
management of appropriate tests, including manufacturers, suppliers, purchasing organizations and third
parties such as consumer organizations.

ISO_PAS 20282-3-2007 日用品的易操作性.第3部分_消费品的试验方法.pdf (284.4 KB)

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