ISO 7870-1-2007 控制图表.第1部分:一般指南

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标准号:ISO 7870-1-2007
英文名称:Control charts - Part 1: General guidelines
被替代标准:ISO 7870-1-2014
代替标准:ISO 7870-1993;ISO/DIS 7870-1-2006
采用标准:BS ISO 7870-1-2007,IDT;NF X06-036-1-2008,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 69
标准简介:This part of ISO 7870 presents key elements and philosophy of the control chart approach, and identifies a
wide variety of control charts (including those related to the Shewhart control chart and those stressing
process acceptance or on-line process adjustment).
It presents an overview of the basic principles and concepts and illustrates the relationship among various
control chart approaches to aid in the selection of the most appropriate standard for given circumstances. It
does not specify statistical control methods using control charts. These methods will be specified in future
parts of ISO 7870.

ISO 7870-1-2007 控制图表.第1部分_一般指南.pdf (215.26 KB)

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