ISO 9635-3-2006 农业灌溉设备.灌溉阀.第3部分:止回阀

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标准号:ISO 9635-3-2006
英文名称:Agricultural irrigation equipment - Irrigation valves - Part 3: Check valves
被替代标准:ISO 9635-3-2014
代替标准:ISO 9635-1990;ISO/FDIS 9635-3-2006;ISO 9952-1993
采用标准:BS ISO 9635-3-2007,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 23
标准简介:This part of ISO 9635 specifies construction and performance requirements and test methods for check
valves, intended for operation in irrigation systems with water at temperatures not exceeding 60 °C, which can
contain fertilizers and other chemicals of the types and concentrations used in agriculture.
It is applicable to hydraulically operated check irrigation valves of DN 15 (1/2 inch) diameter or greater,
designed to operate in the fully open and fully closed positions, but which can also operate for extended time
periods in any intermediate position.

ISO 9635-3-2006 农业灌溉设备.灌溉阀.第3部分_止回阀.pdf (148.32 KB)

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