ISO 1219-1-2006 液压传动系统和元件.图形符号和电路图.第1部分:传统使用和数据处理应用的图形符号

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标准号:ISO 1219-1-2006
英文名称:Fluid power systems and components - Graphic symbols and circuit diagrams - Part 1: Graphic symbols for conventional use and data-processing applications
被替代标准:ISO 1219-1-2012
代替标准:ISO 1219-1-1991;ISO/FDIS 1219-1-2006
采用标准:DIN ISO 1219-1-2007,IDT;GB/T 786.1-2009,IDT;NF E04-056-2007,IDT;JIS B 0125-1-2007,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 131
标准简介:This part of ISO 1219 establishes basic elements
for symbols. It lays down rules for devising fluid
power symbols for use on components and in circuit
This part of ISO 1219 is a collective application
standard of the ISO 14617 series. In this part of
ISO 1219, the symbols are designed in fixed
dimensions to be used directly in data processing
systems, which might result in different variants.
NOTE In addition to terms in English and French,
two of the three official ISO languages, this part of
ISO 1219 gives the equivalent terms in German; these
are published under the responsibility of the member
body for Germany (DIN). However, only the terms and
definitions given in the official languages can be considered
as ISO terms and definitions.

ISO 1219-1-2006 液压传动系统和元件.图形符号和电路图.第1部分_传统使用和数据处理应用的图形符号.pdf (2.11 MB)

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