ISO/TR 17165-2-2006 液压流体动力.软管组件.第2部分:液压软管组件的推荐实施规程

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标准号:ISO/TR 17165-2-2006
英文名称:Hydraulic fluid power - Hose assemblies - Part 2: Recommended practices for hydraulic hose assemblies
被替代标准:ISO/TS 17165-2-2013
采用标准:FD E48-078-2-2008,NEQ
起草单位:ISO/TC 131
标准简介:This part of ISO 17165 provides guidelines for selection, routing, fabrication, installation, replacement,
maintenance and storage of hose and hose assemblies for hydraulic fluid power systems, which are
manufactured from hoses conforming to ISO 1436-1, ISO 1436-2, ISO 3862-1, ISO 3862-2, ISO 3949,
ISO 4079-1, ISO 4079-2, ISO 11237-1 and ISO 11237–2, and hose connectors conforming to ISO 12151-1
through ISO 12151-6.
NOTE 1 Many of these recommended practices can also be suitable for use with other types of hoses and systems.
NOTE 2 Annex A (informative) lists examples of actual failure resulting from improper use of hydraulic hose and hose

ISO_TR 17165-2-2006 液压流体动力.软管组件.第2部分_液压软管组件的推荐实施规程.pdf (1.77 MB)

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