ISO 1833-4-2006 纺织品.定量化学分析.第4部分:固定纤维蛋白质和其他固定纤维混纺织品(使用次氯酸盐法)

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标准号:ISO 1833-4-2006
英文名称:Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 4: Mixtures of certain protein and certain other fibres (method using hypochlorite)
被替代标准:ISO 1833-4-2017
代替标准:ISO 1833-1977;ISO/DIS 1833-4-2005
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 1833-4-2011,IDT;DIN EN ISO 1833-4-2010,IDT;BS EN ISO 1833-4-2011,IDT;GB/T 2910.4-2009,IDT;EN ISO 1833-4-2010,IDT;FprEN ISO 1833-4-2010,IDT;NF G06-006-4-2006,IDT;NF G06-006-4-2010,IDT;JIS L 1030-2-2012,MOD;SN EN ISO 1833-4-2011,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 1833-4-2010,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 1833-4-2010,IDT;PN-EN ISO 1833-4-2010,IDT;SS-EN ISO 1833-4-2010,IDT;SS-ISO 1833-4-2006,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 1833-4-2011,IDT;SANS 1833-4-2007,IDT;KS K ISO 1833-4-2009,IDT;DS/EN ISO 1833-4-2011,IDT;UNI EN ISO 1833-4-2011-2011,IDT;STN EN ISO 1833-4-2011,IDT;SANS 1833-4-2007,IDT;SANS 1833-4-2007-2007,IDT;CSN EN ISO 1833-4-2011,IDT;DS/EN ISO 1833-4-2011,IDT;NEN-EN-ISO 1833-4-2010 en-2010,IDT;NEN-ISO 1833-4-2006 en-2006,IDT;SANS 1833-4-2007-2007,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 38
标准简介:This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, using hypochlorite, to determine the percentage of protein fibre,
after removal of non-fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures of certain non-protein fibres and one
protein fibre, as follows:
⎯ wool, chemically-treated wool, other animal-hair fibres, silk, regenerated protein fibres based on casein,
⎯ cotton, cupro, viscose, modal, acrylic, chlorofibres, polyamide, polyester, polypropylene, glass and
If several protein fibres are present, the method gives the total of their amounts but not their individual

ISO 1833-4-2006 纺织品.定量化学分析.第4部分_固定纤维蛋白质和其他固定纤维混纺织品(使用次氯酸盐法).pdf (149.84 KB)

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