ISO/IEC 18028-1-2006 信息技术.安全技术.IT网络安全.第1部分:IT网络安全.网络安全性管理

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标准号:ISO/IEC 18028-1-2006
英文名称:Information technology - Security techniques - IT network security - Part 1: Network security management
被替代标准:ISO/IEC 27033-1-2009
代替标准:ISO/IEC FDIS 18028-1-2006
采用标准:ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 18028-1-2008,IDT;BS ISO/IEC 18028-1-2006,IDT;CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 18028-1-06-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27
标准简介:ISO/IEC 18028-1 provides direction with respect to networks and communications, including on the security
aspects of connecting information system networks themselves, and of connecting remote users to networks.
It is aimed at those responsible for the management of information security in general, and network security in
particular. This direction supports the identification and analysis of the communications related factors that
should be taken into account to establish network security requirements, provides an introduction on how to
identify appropriate control areas with respect to security associated with connections to communications
networks, and provides an overview of the possible control areas including those technical design and
implementation topics dealt with in detail in ISO/IEC 18028-2 to ISO/IEC 18028-5.

ISO_IEC 18028-1-2006 信息技术.安全技术.IT网络安全.第1部分_IT网络安全.网络安全性管理.pdf (572.65 KB)

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