ISO 17734-1-2006 在空气中用液相色谱法和质谱学对有机氮化合物的测定.第1部分:用二丁胺衍生物的异氰酸酯

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标准号:ISO 17734-1-2006
英文名称:Determination of organonitrogen compounds in air using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry - Part 1: Isocyanates using dibutylamine derivatives
被替代标准:ISO 17734-1-2013
代替标准:ISO/DIS 17734-1-2004
采用标准:BS ISO 17734-1-2006,IDT;GOST R ISO 17734-1-2009,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 146
标准简介:This part of ISO 17734 gives general guidance for the sampling and analysis of airborne isocyanates in workplace air. When amines and aminoisocyanates are suspected to be emitted (e.g. from thermal degradation of PUR), it is recommended that in addition to isocyanates the amines and aminoisocyanates in air are determined, using DBA and ethyl chloroformate as reagents (ISO 17734-2).
The method is suitable for the determination of a wide range of different isocyanates in both the gas and particle phases. Typical monofunctional isocyanates that can be determined are isocyanic acid (ICA), methyl isocyanate (MIC), ethyl isocyanate (EIC), propyl isocyanate (PIC), butyl isocyanate (BIC), and phenyl isocyanate (Phi). Typical monomeric diisocyanates include 1,6-hexamethylene- (HDI), 2,4- and 2,6-toluene-(TDI), 4,4'-diphenylmethane- (MDI), 1,5-naphthyi- (NDI), isophorone- (IPDI), and 4,4'-dicyclohexylmethane diisocyanate (HMDI). Multifunctional isocyanates that can be determined are typically oligomers in polymeric MDI, biuret-, isocyanurate-, and allophanate-adducts and prepolymeric forms of isocyanates.
The instrumental detection limit for aliphatic isocyanates is about 50 fmol and for aromatic isocyanates, it is 2 fmol. For a 15-1 air sample, this corresponds to 0,6 ngrrr3for HDI and 0,02 ngrrr3forTDI.
The useful range, for a 5-1 air sample, of the method is approximately 0,001 ug-rrr3 to 200 mg-rrr3 for TDI.

ISO 17734-1-2006 在空气中用液相色谱法和质谱学对有机氮化合物的测定.第1部分_用二丁胺衍生物的异氰酸酯.pdf (1.05 MB)

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