ISO 15031-6-2005 道路车辆.车辆与发射相关诊断用外部设备间的通信.第6部分:故障诊断编码定义

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标准号:ISO 15031-6-2005
英文名称:Road vehicles - Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics - Part 6: Diagnostic trouble code definitions
被替代标准:ISO 15031-6-2010
代替标准:ISO/DIS 15031-6-2004
采用标准:BS ISO 15031-6-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 22
标准简介:This part of ISO 15031 provides recommended uniformity for alphanumeric trouble codes. It further provides
guidance for uniform messages associated with these codes.
It specifies several sections addressing format, structure, messages and a few examples, and is applicable to
electrical/electronic systems diagnostics of motor vehicles.
Annex A specifies the diagnostic trouble code naming guidelines for signals from components, signals to
components, system based diagnostics, and signals using a subfault strategy.
Annex B specifies the actual code assignments and description for powertrain system diagnostic trouble
Annex C specifies the actual code assignments and description for network communication system diagnostic
trouble codes, body system diagnostic trouble codes, and chassis system diagnostic trouble codes.
Annex D specifies the DTC failure category and Subtype definition of the DTC failure type byte which is an
extension of a base DTC to more precisely describe the fault symptom of the DTC.

ISO 15031-6-2005 道路车辆.车辆与发射相关诊断用外部设备间的通信.第6部分_故障诊断编码定义.pdf (1.02 MB)

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