ISO/IEC 7816-4-2005 识别卡.集成电路卡.第4部分:交换用组织、安全和命令

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标准号:ISO/IEC 7816-4-2005
英文名称:Identification cards - Integrated circuit cards - Part 4: Organization, security and commands for interchange
被替代标准:ISO/IEC 7816-4-2013
代替标准:ISO/IEC 7816-4-1995;ISO/IEC FDIS 7816-4-2004;ISO/IEC 7816-4 AMD 1-1997;ISO/IEC 7816-5-1994;ISO/IEC 7816-5 AMD 1-1996;ISO/IEC 7816-6-1996;ISO/IEC 7816-6 Technical Corrigendum 1-1998;ISO/IEC 7816-6 AMD 1-2000;ISO/IEC 7816-8-1999;ISO/IEC 7816-9-2000
采用标准:ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 7816-4-2008,IDT;BS ISO/IEC 7816-4+A1-2008,IDT;JIS X 6320-4-2009,IDT;CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 7816-4-06-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17
标准简介:This part of ISO/IEC 7816 specifies
 contents of command-response pairs exchanged at the interface,
 means of retrieval of data elements and data objects in the card,
 structures and contents of historical bytes to describe operating characteristics of the card,
 structures for applications and data in the card, as seen at the interface when processing commands,
 access methods to files and data in the card,
 a security architecture defining access rights to files and data in the card,
 means and mechanisms for identifying and addressing applications in the card,
 methods for secure messaging,
 access methods to the algorithms processed by the card. It does not describe these algorithms.
It does not cover the internal implementation within the card or the outside world.
This part of ISO/IEC 7816 is independent from the physical interface technology. It applies to cards accessed
by one or more of the following methods: contacts, close coupling and radio frequency.

ISO_IEC 7816-4-2005 识别卡.集成电路卡.第4部分_交换用组织、安全和命令.pdf (695.68 KB)

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