[国际标准化组织] ISO 16408-2004 牙科学.口腔卫生制品.口腔冲洗

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标准号:ISO 16408-2004
英文名称:Dentistry - Oral hygiene products - Oral rinses
被替代标准:ISO 16408-2015
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 16408-2004
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 16408-2004,IDT;DIN EN ISO 16408-2003,IDT;ANSI/ADA Specification No. 116-2010,IDT;BS EN ISO 16408-2004,IDT;EN ISO 16408-2004,IDT;NF S91-408-2004,IDT;SN EN ISO 16408-2004,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 16408-2004,IDT;PN-EN ISO 16408-2006,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 16408-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 106
标准简介:This International Standard specifies physical and chemical requirements and test methods for oral rinses. It
also specifies the accompanying information such as manufacturer's instructions for use, marking and/or
labelling requirements.
This International Standard is not applicable to other delivery systems (e.g. mouthsprays, foams, powders). It
is not intended to describe regulatory aspects, e.g. methods of prescription.
This International Standard is not applicable to oral rinses available by prescription only.

ISO 16408-2004 牙科学.口腔卫生制品.口腔冲洗.pdf (193.14 KB)

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