ISO 7240-15-2004 火灾探测和报警系统.第15部分:多测头火灾探测器

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标准号:ISO 7240-15-2004
英文名称:Fire detection and alarm systems - Part 15: Multisensor fire detectors
被替代标准:ISO 7240-15-2014
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 7240-15-2003
采用标准:BS ISO 7240-15-2004,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 21
标准简介:This part of ISO 7240 specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for point-type resettable
multisensor fire detectors for use in fire detection systems installed in buildings, incorporating in one
mechanical enclosure at least one smoke sensor and at least one other sensor which responds to heat, and in
which the signal(s) of the smoke sensor(s) is (are) combined with the signal(s) of the heat sensor(s).
The performance of single components within a multisensor fire detector covered by this standard may not be
sufficient for conformity to other standards for the single sensor.
Certain types of detectors may contain radioactive materials. The national requirements for radiation
protection differ from country to country and they are not therefore specified in this standard. However, such
detectors are expected to conform to the national requirements and be in line with the recommendations of
the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)1).

ISO 7240-15-2004 火灾探测和报警系统.第15部分_多测头火灾探测器.pdf (805.55 KB)

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