ISO 9345-2-2003 光学和光学仪器.显微镜.相对机械参考面的象距.第2部分:无限大光学校正系统

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标准号:ISO 9345-2-2003
英文名称:Optics and optical instruments - Microscopes: Imaging distances related to mechanical reference planes - Part 2: Infinity-corrected optical systems
被替代标准:ISO 9345-2-2014
代替标准:ISO/DIS 9345-2-2001
采用标准:DIN ISO 9345-2-2005,IDT;DIN ISO 9345-2-2003,IDT;BS ISO 9345-2-2003,IDT;GB/T 22057.2-2008,MOD;JIS B 7132-2-2009,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 172
标准简介:This part of ISO 9345 specifies the imaging distances of objectives, eyepieces and the focal length of "normal" tube lenses of microscopes with infinity-corrected optical systems.
NOTE    A specific combination of eyepiece, objective and tube lens is frequently used to correct aberrations. Therefore the combination of an objective from one manufacturer and the tube lens or eyepiece from another manufacturer, although conforming to this part of ISO 9345, may cause errors in magnification and/or in optical performance.

ISO 9345-2-2003 光学和光学仪器.显微镜.相对机械参考面的象距.第2部分_无限大光学校正系统.pdf (169.56 KB)

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