ISO 8820-3-2002 道路车辆.熔断体.第3部分:带接头的熔断体(刀闸)

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标准号:ISO 8820-3-2002
英文名称:Road vehicles - Fuse-links - Part 3: Fuse-links with tabs (blade type)
被替代标准:ISO 8820-3-2010
代替标准:ISO 8820-2-1994;ISO 8820-3-1994;ISO/FDIS 8820-3-2002
起草单位:ISO/TC 22
标准简介:This part of ISO 8820 specifies low-voltage fuse-links with tabs (blade type) for fuses in road vehicles. It establishes, for this fuse-link type, the rated current, test procedures, performance requirements and dimensions.
This part of ISO 8820 is applicable to those fuse-links with a rated voltage of 32 V, a current rating of ≤ 80 A and a breaking capacity of 1 000 A, intended for use in road vehicles at a nominal voltage of 12 V or 24 V.
This part of ISO 8820 is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 8820-1, and with ISO 8820-2. The numbering of its clauses corresponds to that of ISO 8820-1, whose requirements are applicable, except where modified by requirements particular to this part of ISO 8820.

ISO 8820-3-2002 道路车辆.熔断体.第3部分_带接头的熔断体(刀闸).pdf (236.95 KB)

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