ISO/TS 17090-1-2002 保健信息学.公开密钥基础设施.第1部分:框架和总览

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标准号:ISO/TS 17090-1-2002
英文名称:Health informatics - Public key infrastucture - Part 1: Framework and overview
被替代标准:ISO 17090-1-2008
采用标准:BS DD ISO/TS 17090-1-2002,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 215
标准简介:This part of ISO/TS 17090 defines the basic concepts of a healthcare public key infrastructure (PKI) and provides a scheme of interoperability requirements to establish a PKI enabled secure communication of health information. It also identifies the major stakeholders who are communicating in health, as well as the main security services required for health communication where PKI may be required.
This part of ISO/TS 17090 gives a brief introduction to public key cryptography and the basic components of a healthcare PKI. It further introduces different types of certificates, public key identity certificates and associated attribute certificates, for relying parties, self-signed certification authority (CA) certificates, and CA hierarchies and bridging structures.

ISO_TS 17090-1-2002 保健信息学.公开密钥基础设施.第1部分_框架和总览.pdf (316.67 KB)

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