ISO 12891-1-2011 外壳植入物.外科植入物的分析和取出.第1部分:取出和处理

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标准号:ISO 12891-1-2011
英文名称:Implants for surgery - Retrieval and analysis of surgical implants - Part 1: Retrieval and handling
被替代标准:ISO 12891-1-2015
代替标准:ISO 12891-1-1998;ISO/DIS 12891-1-2010
采用标准:BS ISO 12891-1-2011,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 150
标准简介:This part of ISO 12891 specifies the method to be followed for the retrieval and handling of surgical implants
and associated tissues and fluids. In particular, it specifies the essential steps to be followed for the safe and
proper obtaining of the clinical history, pre-explantation checks and examinations, collection, labelling,
cleaning, decontamination, documentation, packing and shipping. This part of ISO 12891 also provides
guidance on infection control.
NOTE National or other regulations, which can be more stringent, can apply.
This part of ISO 12891 does not apply in cases of explantation where there is no intention to collect retrieval
data. However, many clauses give useful information which can apply in these cases also.

ISO 12891-1-2011 外壳植入物.外科植入物的分析和取出.第1部分_取出和处理.pdf (256.79 KB)

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