ISO 14300-2-2002 航天系统.程序管理.第2部分:产品保证程序

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标准号:ISO 14300-2-2002
英文名称:Space systems - Programme management - Part 2: Product assurance
被替代标准:ISO 14300-2-2011
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 14300-2-2001
采用标准:BS ISO 14300-2-2002,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 20
标准简介:This part of ISO 14300 defines the product assurance (PA) policy, objectives, principles, and requirements for the establishment and implementation of PA programmes for space programmes covering mission definition, design, development, production and operations of space products including disposal.
The PA discipline covers: PA management, quality assurance, safety assurance, dependability assurance of software and hardware products including electrical, electromechanical, electronic components, materials, mechanical parts and processes.
This part of ISO 14300 defines their respective objectives, policies, and principles to achieve the stated overall PA objectives throughout the complete life cycle of the products.
The provisions of this part of ISO 14300 apply to space products.

ISO 14300-2-2002 航天系统.程序管理.第2部分_产品保证程序.pdf (84.42 KB)

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