ISO 6185-3-2001 充气艇 第3部分:最大发动功率额定值为大于等于15KW的艇

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标准号:ISO 6185-3-2001
中文名称:充气艇  第3部分:最大发动功率额定值为大于等于15KW的艇
英文名称:Inflatable boats - Part 3: Boats with a maximum motor power rating of 15 kW and greater
被替代标准:ISO 6185-3-2014
代替标准:ISO 6185-1982;ISO/FDIS 6185-3-2001
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 6185-3-2002,IDT;BS EN ISO 6185-3-2001,IDT;EN ISO 6185-3-2001,IDT;NF J37-825-3-2002,IDT;JIS F 1051-3-2004,IDT;SN EN ISO 6185-3-2001,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 6185-3-2002,IDT;PN-EN ISO 6185-3-2005,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 6185-3-2002,IDT;GOST R 53448-2009,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 188
标准简介:This part of ISO 6185 specifies the minimum safety characteristics required for the design, materials to use, manufacture and testing of inflatable boats (including rigid inflatable boats) less than 8 m in overall length with a minimum buoyancy of 1 800 N.
This part of ISO 6185 is applicable to the following types of inflatable boats intended for use within the operating temperatures of - 20 ℃ to + 60 ℃:
—  Type Ⅶ:    Inflatable boats capable of taking a motor power rating of 15 kW and greater;
—  Type Ⅷ:    Inflatable offshore boats capable of taking a motor power rating of 75 kW or greater and with a
stability factor greater than 250.
NOTE 1    General arrangements of typical boats of Types VII and VIII are given in annexes A and B, respectively.
NOTE 2    For boats with power ratings of 4,5 kW and less refer to ISO 6185-1. For boats with power ratings of 4,5 kW to 15 kW inclusive refer to ISO 6185-2.
This part of ISO 6185 excludes single-chambered boats and boats made from unsupported materials, and is not applicable to aquatic toys and inflatable liferafts.

ISO 6185-3-2001 充气艇 第3部分:最大发动功率额定值为大于等于15KW的艇.pdf (317.71 KB)

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