ISO 16120-1-2001 拔丝用非合金钢丝棒 第1部分:一般要求

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标准号:ISO 16120-1-2001
中文名称:拔丝用非合金钢丝棒  第1部分:一般要求
英文名称:Non-alloy steel wire rod for conversion to wire - Part 1: General requirements
被替代标准:ISO 16120-1-2011
代替标准:ISO 8457-2-1989;ISO/FDIS 16120-1-2001
采用标准:DIN EN 10016-1-1995,MOD;GB/T 24242.1-2009,MOD;JIS G 3502-2004,MOD;JIS G 3505-2004,MOD;JIS G 3506-2004,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 17
标准简介:1    This part of ISO 16120 is applicable to wire rod of non-alloy steel intended for wire drawing and/or cold rolling. The cross-section may be circular, oval, square, rectangular, hexagonal, octagonal, half-round or other shape and generally with at least 5 mm nominal dimension. Wire rod has a smooth surface and is generally intended for subsequent conversion.
2    It is not applicable to products for which standards exist or are under study, e.g.:
—   steel wire rod intended for heat treatment;
—   rod for free-cutting steels;
—   steel rod for cold heading and cold extrusion;
—   steel rod intended for the production of electrodes and products for welding;
—   steel rod for welded fabric for reinforcement for concrete;
—   steel rod for wire for high fatigue strength mechanical springs, such as valve springs.
3    In addition to the requirements of this part of ISO 16120 the general technical delivery requirements specified in ISO 404 apply.

ISO 16120-1-2001 拔丝用非合金钢丝棒 第1部分:一般要求.pdf (544.23 KB)

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