ISO 5211-2001 工业阀门.部分回转阀门致动器附件

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标准号:ISO 5211-2001
英文名称:Industrial valves - Part-turn actuator attachment
被替代标准:ISO 5211-2017
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 5211-2000;ISO 5211-1-1977;ISO 5211-2-1979;ISO 5211-3-1982
采用标准:DIN 3337-1985,MOD;DIN EN ISO 5211-2001,IDT;DIN ISO 5211-1-1982,IDT;DIN ISO 5211-2-1982,MOD;BS EN ISO 5211-2001,IDT;GB/T 12223-2005,MOD;EN ISO 5211-2001,IDT;NF E29-402-2001,IDT;MSS SP-101-1989,NEQ;SN EN ISO 5211-2001,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 5211-2001,IDT;PN-EN ISO 5211-2005,IDT;SS-EN ISO 5211-2001,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 5211-2001,IDT;KS B ISO 5211-2002,IDT;KS B ISO 5211-2015,IDT;DS/EN ISO 5211-2001,IDT;STN EN ISO 5211-2001,IDT;CSN EN ISO 5211-2001,IDT;DS/EN ISO 5211-2001,IDT;NEN-EN-ISO 5211-2001 en-2001,IDT;NEN-EN-ISO 5211-2001 nl-2001,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 153
标准简介:This European Standard specifies  requirements for the attachment of part-turn actuators, with or without gearboxes, to industrial valves.
The attachment of part-turn actuators to control valves is in accordance with the requirements of this standard only when subject to an agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.
This standard specifies :
—  flange dimensions necessary for the attachment of part-turn actuators to industrial valves (see Figure 1a) or to intermediate supports (see Figure 1b);
—  driving component dimensions of part-turn actuators necessary to attach them to the driven components ;
—  reference values for torques for interfaces and for couplings having the dimensions specified in this standard. The attachment of the intermediate support to the valve is not the subject of this standard.
NOTE 1  In this standard the term "valve" may also be understood to include "valve with an intermediate support" (see Figure 1).
NOTE 2  When the part-turn actuator is a combination of a multi-turn actuator and a gearbox, the multi-turn actuator attachment to the gearbox should be in accordance with EN ISO 5210.

ISO 5211-2001 工业阀门.部分回转阀门致动器附件.pdf (137.58 KB)

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