ITU-T Q.816-2001 CORBA.基于TMN业务-系列Q:交换和信令-Q3接口(第4研究组)

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标准号:ITU-T Q.816-2001
英文名称:CORBA-Based TMN Services Series Q: Switching and Signalling Q3 Interface (Study Group 4)
标准简介:The TMN architecture defined in ITU-T M.3010 (2000) introduces concepts from distributed
processing and includes the use of multiple management protocols. The initial TMN interface
specifications for intra- and inter-TMN interfaces were developed using the Guidelines for the
Definition of Managed Objects (GDMO) notation from OS1 Systems Management with Common
Management Information Protocol (CMIP) as the protocol. The inter-TMN interface (X) included
both CMIP and CORBA GIOPDIOP as possible choices at the application layer.
CORBA, a distributed processing technology, is being considered for use in the TMN
communication architecture primarily due to its acceptance by the Information Technology industry.
This acceptance is expected to enhance the availability of CORBA-based interfaces due to better
development tools and widespread expertise in developing CORBA-based interfaces. This
technology, developed by the Object Management Group (OMG), is also being considered by
multiple industries. Specifications using this technology provide support for standard application
programming interfaces ( A P I S ) and language bindings to programming languages, and they also
facilitate software portability. The interoperability solutions offered by the object request broker
combined with the inter-ORB protocols address interoperability between client and server. While
CMIP and information models provide solutions for interoperability between manager and agent
systems, CORBA defines inter-object interactions where the objects may be distributed.

ITU-T Q.816-2001 CORBA.基于TMN业务-系列Q_交换和信令-Q3接口(第4研究组).pdf (4.62 MB)

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