EN 1837-1999 机械安全.机械的整体照明.包含修改件A1-2009

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标准号:EN 1837-1999
英文名称:Safety of machinery - Integral lighting of machines (Incorporates Amendment A1: 2009)
被替代标准:EN 1837-1999;EN 1837+A1-2009
代替标准:EN 1837-1999
标准简介:This standard specifies the parameters of integral lighting systems designed to provide illumination in and/or at both stationary and mobile machines to enable the safe use of the machine and the efficient performance of the visual task within and/or at the machine to be carried out.This standard does not specify lighting systems mounted on the machine to specifically illuminate visual tasks outside the machine. The function and requirements of these systems are specified in the European Standard dealing with the lighting of work places.This European Standard is under preparation.This standard does not establish additional requirements for the operation of lighting systems in severe conditions (extreme environmental conditions such as freezer applications, high temperatures, etc.); subject to special rules (e. g. explosive atmospheres); where the transmittance is reduced by environmental conditions, such as smoke, splashing, etc.

EN 1837-1999 机械安全.机械的整体照明.包含修改件A1-2009.pdf (592.91 KB)

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