EN ISO 14122-2-2001 机械安全.访问机械的持久方法.第2部分:工作平台和通道

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标准号:EN ISO 14122-2-2001
英文名称:Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 2: Working platforms and walkways (Incorporates Amendment A1: 2010)
被替代标准:EN ISO 14122-2-2016
代替标准:BS EN ISO 14122-2-2001
标准简介:EN IS0 14122 defines the general requirements for safe access to machines mentioned in EN 292-2. Part 1 of EN
IS0 14122 gives advice about the correct choice of access means when the necessary access to the machine is
not possible directly from the ground level or from a floor.
This part of EN IS0 14122 applies to all machinery (stationary and mobile) where fixed means of access are
This pari of EN IS0 14122 applies to working platforms and walkways which are a part of a machine.
This part of EN IS0 14122 may also apply to working platforms and walkways to that pari of the building where the
machine is installed, providing the main function of that part of the building is to provide a means of access to the
those cases the possible relevant national or other regulations should be taken into account.
This part of EN IS0 14122 may be used also for means of access which are outside the scope of this standard. In
This part of EN IS0 14122 applies also to working platforms and walkways specific to the machine which are not
permanently fixed to the machine and which may be removed or moved to the side for some operations of the
machine (e.9. changing tools in a large press).
This part of EN IS0 14122 does not apply to lifts, to moveable elevating platforms or other devices specially
designed to lift persons between two levels.

EN ISO 14122-2-2001 机械安全.访问机械的持久方法.第2部分_工作平台和通道.pdf (601.28 KB)

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