IEC 60412-2007 核检测仪表.闪烁探测器.术语(鉴定).闪烁器的标准尺寸

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标准号:IEC 60412-2007
英文名称:Nuclear instrumentation - Scintillation detectors - Nomenclature (Identification) - Standard dimensions of scintillators
被替代标准:IEC 60412-2014
代替标准:IEC 45/642/FDIS-2007;IEC 60412-1973
采用标准:DIN IEC 60412-2007,IDT
起草单位:IEC/TC 45
标准简介:This International Standard gives guidelines for scintillation detectors nomenclature (identification) and standard dimensions of scintillators.
This Standard is applicable to all types of solid organic and inorganic scintillators used in detectors for scintillation counting and spectrometry.
The object of this standard is to define a standardized nomenclature for scintillation detectors in which most of the properties can be found.
The object of this standard is to standardize the dimensions of bare scintillators in order to facilitate interchangeability of non-encapsulated scintillators and to facilitate comparisons of measurements with encapsulated scintillators.
NOTE  The identification label laid down in clause 2 of the present standard includes certain dimensions which may be expressed in millimetres or inches. The Sl system recommends the use of millimetres rather than inches.

IEC 60412-2007 核检测仪表.闪烁探测器.术语(鉴定).闪烁器的标准尺寸.pdf (197.47 KB)

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